New location, same compassionate quality care
Spring greetings, beloved clients!Â
It’s a gift to have the time to connect with you via a newsletter. Like so many of us, I navigate and struggle with the balance of finding the time and energy to work, do the things I love as well as honor the need for rest. Exciting news in this issue:
Root Health is moving (don’t worry—not far! Just closer to downtown Moscow)
Wellness principles for springtime and Liver season
Musings on work/life balance
Yup yup! Please join me at our new space at 417 E Veatch St on the Troy Highway in Moscow starting April 1.Â
There will be no break in service or treatment. Just the same great holistic care that you’ve come to expect and trust. The space is ADA accessible with plenty of parking for those of you who need to drive. An office manager will be joining my expanding team, both to keep everything running smoothly and to enable me to focus primarily on YOU and the work we do in the treatment room. As many of you are aware, it’s hard to get in regularly and I’ve needed to expand for a while in order to increase availability. This move represents the first step in making that possible.
Speaking of transitions, the raucous symphony of birdsongs outside declare that we are officially in Liver/Gallbladder season! Hallelujah for more sun, little tree buds and delicate flowers. These
everyday miracles serve as a reminder of the foolhardiness and fierce courage it takes to show up, live and embrace the cycles of life. Â
There are five different seasons according to Traditional East Asian Medicine. As we emerge from the restorative womb of the darker Kidney season, we shed all that has composted during the winter, embrace change and lighten up. We remove clutter from our homes, trim back trees and clean up our yards as well as our diets. Are there things you’re ready to clear out, physically or energetically, that are no longer serving? Is there a word of intention that represents what you would like to foster as our days grow longer?
The liver is considered 'the general' that gets things moving. The flavor associated with the Liver is sour. To help course liver qi and detoxify, enjoy the following first thing in the morning:
1t of sour via fresh lime or lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar
Filtered water or mineral water
(1t local raw honey optional to taste)
Take some mindful breaths and enjoy!
I picked up a book recently titled How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell. I’ve barely had time to read it . I hear many of you, the people I get to work with, expressing a similar awareness. Some talk about a pattern of being both exhausted and unable to relax. It's no wonder. In our current world we are constantly bombarded with stimuli, often in the form of technology and screens, that vie for our time and attention.
Conversely, research consistently shows the value, indeed biological need, of rest and the need to practice a pause. Acupuncture helps support this balance between yin and yang--between rest and do.
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer a few years back. It was a rude reminder to do the things I love now, to not wait until old age to give myself permission to take time to play and to breathe.  For me this often comes in the form of getting out into nature, either via daily walks with my dog or by dropping off the map into the backcountry for a more extended break.  To this end, you may occasionally receive a cancellation notice because I get to explore a new river or support a loved one who needs me. Should your appointment be affected, I will do my best to give you advanced notice as well as an option for rescheduling. Your understanding, time and flexibility are much appreciated! While still honoring responsibilities, may each us unapologetically reclaim time to rest, to play and to take sweet care. Â
I couldn’t do what I do without you! I’m constantly impressed by the innate wisdom, willingness to be vulnerable and strength of the undeniable life force, i.e. qi, of the people I get to work with. Your ongoing support of my small practice, feedback and flexibility are deeply appreciated as we all navigate this exciting upcoming transition together.
With love,